Here are some key categories of prohibited items on TijaraIQ Platform:

  1. Alcohol: Restrictions on selling alcoholic beverages.
  2. Currency, Coins, Cash Equivalents, and Gift Cards: Restrictions on the sale of these items.
  3. Drugs & Drug Paraphernalia: Illegal drugs and related items.
  4. Electronics: Restrictions on certain electronic items.
  5. Explosives, Weapons, and Related Items: Includes firearms, ammunition, and certain accessories.
  6. Food & Beverage: Specific packaging and labelling requirements.
  7. Gambling & Lottery: Restrictions on certain gambling-related items.
  8. Hazardous & Dangerous Items: Includes explosives, chemicals, and more.
  9. Human Parts & Burial Artefacts: Prohibition of these items.
  10. Laser Products: Safety standards and restrictions.
  11. Lighting Products: Must meet energy efficiency standards.
  12. Offensive & Controversial Materials: Prohibition of items that promote hate or violence.
  13. Plant & Seed Products: Import restrictions and certification requirements.
  14. Postage Meters & Stamps: Restrictions on certain types.
  15. Tobacco & Related Products: Strict regulations apply.
  16. Agriculture Seeds and Live Animals: Importing these items requires special approval.
  17. Chemicals and Harmful Materials: There are controls on the import of certain chemicals and materials that are considered harmful.
  18. Pornography: Items that are considered pornographic are not allowed to be imported or sold.
  19. Archaeological Artefacts: The sale or export of archaeological artefacts is heavily regulated, reflecting the country’s rich historical and cultural heritage.